    HomeBillionairesThe Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

    The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

    This is one of my favorite books on communication. If you want to improve at communicating your ideas (and who doesn’t?), this book can help. Here are a few of my take-aways:

    * Create simple, memorable bottom lines: “The iPod: One thousand songs in your pocket.”

    ” Though he was a computer-guy, he wrote his talks in pen and paper. “There’s just something about paper and pen and sketching out rough ideas in the ‘analog world’ in the early stages that seem to lead to more clarity and better, more creative results.”

    * Steve Jobs presentations follow Aristotle’s five-point plan:
    1. Deliver a story that arouses interest.
    2. Pose a problem or question that has to be solved or answered.
    3. Offer a solution to a problem you raised.
    4. Describe specific benefits for adopting the course of action set forth in your solution.
    5. State a call to action.

    * Ask yourself the question the listeners are asking: “Why should I care?”

    * Your audience checks out after 10 minutes.

    * Jargon rarely creeps into Steve Jobs’ presentations.

    * “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Albert Einstein.

    * Have fun.

    Here are the top 37 quotes from The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

    1. “A person can have the greatest idea in the world— completely different and novel—but if that person can’t convince enough other people, it doesn’t matter.”–GREGORY BERNS

    "If that person can’t convince enough other people, it doesn’t matter." - Gregory Berns

    2. “Most business professionals give presentations to deliver information. Not Jobs. A Steve Jobs presentation is intended to create an experience—”a reality distortion field”—that leaves his audience awed, inspired, and wildly excited.” 

    "A Steve Jobs presentation is intended to create an experience" - The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

    3. “Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz does not sell coffee. He sells a “third place” between work and home. Financial guru Suze Orman does not sell trusts and mutual funds. She sells the dream of financial freedom. In the same way, Jobs does not sell computers. He sells tools to unleash human potential.”

    "Jobs does not sell computers. He sells tools to unleash human potential."

    4. “… but the greatest product in the world will be useless without a strong brand evangelist to promote it.”

    "The greatest product in the world will be useless without a strong brand evangelist to promote it."

    5. “People do not pay attention to boring things.”

    "People do not pay attention to boring things." - Steve Jobs

    6. “The single most important thing you can do to dramatically improve your presentations is to have a story to tell before you work on your PowerPoint file.”–CLIFF ATKINSON

    "The single most important thing you can do to dramatically improve your presentations is to have a story to tell" - Cliff Atkinson

    7. “Remember, it’s the story, not the slides, that will capture the imagination of your audience.”

    "Remember, it’s the story, not the slides, that will capture the imagination of your audience." - Steve Jobs

    8. “You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology—not the other way around”–STEVE JOBS

    "You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology—not the other way around" - Steve Jobs

    9. “Your audience wants to be informed, educated, and entertained: informed about your product, educated on how it works, and entertained while learning about it. Above all, people want to know the answer to one question: Why should I care?”

    "Above all, people want to know the answer to one question: Why should I care?" - Steve Jobs

    10. “It’s not about you. It’s about them.” 

    "It’s not about you. It’s about them." - Steve Jobs

    11. “If you pay close attention to Jobs, you will see that he doesn’t ‘sell’ products; he sells the dream of a better future.”

    "He sells the dream of a better future."

    12. “You’ve got to find what you love. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”–STEVE JOBS

    “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs

    13. “Find something you love to do so much, you can’t wait for the sun to rise to do it all over again.”– Chris Gardner

    "Find something you love to do so much, you can’t wait for the sun to rise to do it all over again." - Chris Gardner

    14. “If you don’t have passion, you have no energy, and if you don’t have energy, you have nothing.”–Donald Trump

    "If you don’t have passion, you have no energy, and if you don’t have energy, you have nothing" - Donald Trump

    15. “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.”– Steve Jobs

    "Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me." - Steve Jobs

    16. “Great leaders rally people to a better future”–Marcus Buckingham

    "Great leaders rally people to a better future" - Marcus Buckingham

    17. “Dig deep to identify that which you are most passionate about. Once you do, share that enthusiasm with your listeners. People want to be moved and inspired, and they want to believe in something. Make them believe in you”

    "Make them believe in you" - Steve Jobs

    18. “Today, Apple reinvents the phone.”

    "Today, Apple reinvents the phone" - Steve Jobs

    19. “…this us-versus- them strategy attracts fans, incites controversy, creates loyalty, and gets us thinking—and arguing—and, of course, buying.”–Martin Lindstrom

    "This us-versus- them strategy attracts fans, incites controversy, creates loyalty, and gets us thinking" - Martin Lindstrom

    20. “Remember, nobody cares about your product. People care about solving their problems.”

    "Remember, nobody cares about your product. People care about solving their problems." - Steve Jobs

    21. “Jobs Doesn’t Sell Computers; He Sells an Experience”

    "Jobs Doesn’t Sell Computers; He Sells an Experience" - Steve Jobs

    22. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” — Leonardo Da Vinci

    "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Leonardo da Vinci

    23. “The brain is fundamentally a lazy piece of meat.”–Dr. Gregory Berns

    "The brain is fundamentally a lazy piece of meat." - Dr. Gregory Berns

    24. “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”–Hans Hofmann, the influential German painter

    "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak" - Hans Hofmann

    25. “My text chokes you, not because my text is not enough like pictures but because my text is too much like pictures. To our cortex, unnervingly, there is no such thing as words.”–JOHN MEDINA

    "To our cortex, unnervingly, there is no such thing as words." - John Medina

    26. “A reference is good. A customer or partner physically sharing the stage is even better.”

    "A reference is good. A customer or partner physically sharing the stage is even better." - Steve Jobs

    27. “If we screw up, it’s not somebody else’s fault; it’s our fault”–Steve Jobs

    "If we screw up, it’s not somebody else’s fault; it’s our fault" - Steve Jobs

    28. “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”– MAYA ANGELOU

    "People will never forget how you made them feel" - Maya Angelou

    29. “People are making judgments about you all the time, but especially in the first ninety seconds of meeting you.”

    "People are making judgments about you all the time, but especially in the first ninety seconds of meeting you." - Steve Jobs

    30. “Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.”–MALCOLM GLADWELL

    "Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good." - Malcolm Gladwell

    31. “Truth is, the sense of informality comes only after grueling  hours  of  practice.”

    "Truth is, the sense of informality comes only after grueling hours of practice." - Steve Jobs

    32. “Jobs  rehearsed  for  two  full  days  before  the presentation, asking for feedback from the product managers in the room. Jobs spends a lot of time on slides, personally writing and designing much of the content, along with some help from the design team.”

    "Jobs rehearsed for two full days before the presentation" - Steve Jobs

    33. “…learning requires consolidation in neural tissue; the more experiences we have with a particular action, the stronger those connections become.”

    "The more experiences we have with a particular action, the stronger those connections become" - Steve Jobs

    34. “The  chief misconception  about  Jobs  is  that he  is  a natural presenter, that he was born with the charisma that he exhibits onstage. Not true. As research has shown, nobody is a natural. You  can  achieve  the  same  level  of  proficiency  of  the  world’s greatest  communicators  if  you work  at  it much, much  harder than everyone else.”

    “That’s been one of my mantras—focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.” – Steve Jobs

    35. “The more you practice, the less nervous you will be.”

    "The more you practice, the less nervous you will be" - Steve Jobs

    36. “Great leaders dress a little better than everyone else in the room.”

    "Great leaders dress a little better than everyone else in the room." - Steve Jobs

    37. “Nobody expects perfection except you. Your audience will forgive a blooper as long  as you get back on your feet.”

    "Nobody expects perfection except you." - Steve Jobs

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