    HomeQuotesDwayne Johnson Quotes

    Dwayne Johnson Quotes

    Dwayne Johnson is regarded as one of the world’s greatest action stars due to his success in films and television shows over the last two decades. With his charisma and rugged good looks, he has been able to establish dominance in the entertainment world. Dwayne Johnson’s life has included a mix of initial struggle, fame, and several other highlights that make him a remarkable person. 

    Table of Contents:

    1. Early Life and Career

    2. Rise to Fame

    3. Personal Life

    4. Professional Life

    5. Achievements

    6. Dwayne Johnson Quotes

    1. Early Life and Career

    Dwayne Johnson, known as the Rock, was born in Hayward, California, the son of Rocky Johnson and Ata Maivia-Johnson. He grew up in a household filled with wrestling, with both of his parents involved in the professional wrestling industry. Dwayne Johnson started his own wrestling career soon after finishing high school and achieved great success in the world of professional wrestling. He then made the jump to television and film, appearing in a number of television shows and movies.

    1. Rise to Fame

    Dwayne Johnson’s real rise to fame began in 2001 when he appeared in the movie, The Scorpion King. This movie was a huge success and set the stage for him to become one of the most bankable action stars in Hollywood. From that point forward, he maintained his place as one of the biggest action stars of the 2000s and his career has only continued to rise in recent years.

    1. Personal Life

    Dwayne Johnson has, over the course of his life, developed a unique approach that is a combination of his professional life and his personal life. He is currently married to singer-songwriter Lauren Hashian. Together they have two kids, Jasmine and Tiana. In addition to his family, Johnson is also linked to his charity, the Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation, which focuses on helping children with learning disabilities reach their goals and gain confidence.

    1. Professional Life

    Following his successful foray into television and film, Dwayne Johnson continued to achieve great success in his professional life. He has gone on to star in a number of movies, both as the lead character and as a supporting actor. He has earned numerous awards and has even ventured into producing and directing.

    1. Achievements

    The Rock’s impressive career has resulted in numerous achievements for him. He has been included numerous times in the list of highest-paid actors and was even included in Time Magazine’s list of 100 most influential people in the world. He was also inducted into the Hall of Fame for his wrestling career. In addition to these accolades, he has also been presented with multiple awards including the People’s Choice Award, an MTV Award, and an Emmy Award.

    Dwayne Johnson Quotes

    “We do today what they won’t, so tomorrow we accomplish what they can’t.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Football changed my life and it gave me a platform to get out my aggression and it gave me a sense of value.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Well, I might take a plane, I might take a train. How do you people live here? You must be insane. I’m leaving Sacramento. Sacramento, I won’t stay. But I’ll be sure to come back when the Lakers beat the Kings in May.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “All successes begin with Self-Discipline. It starts with you.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “It’s nice to be important but it’s even more important to be nice. I grew up in a world where there were a lot of big physical guys and woman so it’s always important to be nice to me.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “With drive and a bit of talent, you can move mountains.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “One of the most important things you can accomplish is just being yourself.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up your candy ass!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “I like the idea of making a big, fun, adventure type of movie.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Those who are truly brave, shall never live in fear.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “There is no substitute for hard work. Always be humble and hungry.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Take your ass to the corner of Know Your Role Boulevard and Jabroni Drive.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “I’m sorry, Mankind can’t get to the phone right now, cause he’s got The Rock’s foot in his mouth!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Training for me is a metaphor for life, period. The dedication, the determination, the desire, the work ethic, the great successes, and the great failures – I take that into life.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “I like to use the hard times of the past to motivate me today.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “The first step to achieving your goal, is to take a moment to respect your goal. Know what it means to you to achieve it.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “If you check your ego at the door when it comes to comedy, you’ve got a pretty good shot at making a great movie that you can commit yourself to, you can jump off the proverbial cliff with, and have a great time, and the audiences respond to that.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Great success breeds a lot of things, including sequels.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “You will go one on one with the Great One!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Creating things I think, especially as an actor – wanting to bring to the table things that have never been done before, but also making sure they’re of high quality and not having a fear.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Don’t be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Think back 5 yrs ago. Think of where you’re at today. Think ahead 5 yrs and what you want to accomplish. Be Unstoppable.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Well, The Rock says this, you should be concerned with fixing yourself a nice, tall glass of shut-up juice!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Sweet cream on an ice cream sandwich!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “If you’ve ever been hungry, you can never be full.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “I know how important it is to have people who believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Grind Hard, Shine Hard.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “It’s easy to be a bad ass, it’s easy to act like a bad ass, easy to act like a tough guy, it’s easy to be a diva, and it’s easy to be self absorbed. The list goes on and on but to me, I always just find it more important to be nice and kind.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “One hard day of work proves you have heart. But day after day is what proves you have maturity and commitment.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “The Rock is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “As long as I can do something that I am passionate about and that I can really enjoy and the audience can enjoy. That is where my enthusiasm comes from.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Know your role and shut your mouth!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “I love driving the cool cars, but there is nothing like driving a pickup truck.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “My goal was never to be the loudest or the craziest. It was to be the most entertaining.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “To some it’s Hump Day. To us, it’s Wednesday’s getting its ass kicked and Thursday just asked Friday to switch places.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “The jabroni beating, pie eating, trail-blazin’, eyebrow raisin’, all around, smack it down People’s Champ, The Rock!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “I’ve learned over the years that when it comes to success, consistency is key. Consistent hard work that we may not like doing today, but for a payoff, we’ll love tomorrow. Earn it. Enjoy it.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “I’ve always loved the showmanship of professional wrestling. While I love making movies, I love that platform, too.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Being a true badass has no weight or gender requirement – just 100% commitment to greatness.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things: I’m broke as hell and one day I won’t be. You Can Achieve Anything!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “It doesn’t matter what your name is!” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Wake up determined. Go to bed satisfied.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Sometimes when we get our ass kicked and we’re down, sometimes we stay down, and sometimes we get depressed and sometimes we don’t know how to handle it, and sometimes we don’t know what’s going on, and sometimes we feel like it’s not worth going on.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “I want someone who can trust that my big hands are going to take care of them.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “The wall! Your success is on the other side. Can’t jump over it or go around it. You know what to do.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “You’ve got to keep your finger on the pulse of what your audience is thinking, and know what they’ll accept from you.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Success isn’t overnight. It’s when every day you get a little better than the day before. It all adds up.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “If something stands between you and your success – move it. Never be denied.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “Always asked, ‘What’s the key to success?’ The key is, there is no key. Be humble, hungry, and always be the hardest worker in the room.” — Dwayne Johnson

    “You don’t need directions, just point yourself to the top and go!” — Dwayne Johnson

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