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    Level Up Your Career with Actionable Motivation Tips: How to Reach Your Goals Today

    Attaining success in one’s career can be a difficult task when riddled with a lack of motivation. To no surprise, it takes precisely that: motivation, to focus and persevere through even the toughest of challenges. Motivation ultimately acts as fuel for the fire – harnessing the necessary drive and determination needed to reach our goals. In this article, learn actionable tips on how to level up your career with effective motivation and start attaining your goals today. 

    Table of Contents:

    1. Understanding Your Why 

    2. Establishing Goals 

    3. Intentional Planning 

    4. Envisioning the Possibilities 

    5. Reassessing and Re-prioritizing 

    6. Leverage Resources 

    7. Design Rewards 

    8. Surround Yourself with Support 

    9. Believe in Yourself 

    10. Avoid the Sirens 

    1. Understanding Your Why 

    Learning our why is key to boosting motivation levels. Without developing an understanding of our true motivations, it can be easy to become unmotivated and discouraged. When we identify our passions, whether they be career-related or otherwise, it’s easier to get excited about the goals we are striving to reach. Spark up some self-reflection and journaling to identify what drives you and truly motivates you to achieve the success you are after. 

    2. Establishing Goals 

    Goal-setting is oftentimes a much-overlooked yet crucial element in effective motivation. Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely) is an effective way to stay on track toward our ultimate goals. Take time to write down what you want to achieve, and how you plan on achieving it, and establish any measurable benchmarks that you wish to attain in order to assess your progress. 

    3. Intentional Planning 

    Once you have identified and established your goals, it’s important to create an actionable plan outlining how to execute them. Take time to work out achievable steps that you can take towards reaching the attainment of the goal. This allows for self-reflection at the end of each milestone and a better gauge of progress. 

    4. Envisioning the Possibilities 

    Having a visual map and understanding of what is trying to be achieved can be extremely effective in maintaining motivation levels. Visualizing the outcome upon successful completion of a goal may be difficult when just starting out, but visualizing the ultimate outcome can ultimately serve as an immense source of motivation. 

    5. Reassessing and Re-prioritizing 

    It’s inevitable that goals are subject to change. As our motivations, passions and the ever-changing world evolves around us, the goals that we set may no longer reflect the same aspirations. It’s important to frequently revisit the goals one has set and ensure that they are still attainable and meaningful, for as soon as goals become intangible or irrelevant, motivation slowly dissipates. 

    6. Leverage Resources 

    Succeeding in your career often goes hand in hand with making connections and leveraging resources. Doing this helps foster motivation and facilitates an easier pathway to success. Make sure to build meaningful relationships, participate in mentor/mentee programs, join masterminds, attend industry events and ultimately, branch out of your comfort zone.

    7. Design Rewards 

    Rewarding yourself throughout the journey is a great way to stay motivated. Rewards do not have to be big and luxurious (but of course, can be!). Larger milestones can be celebrated with a bigger reward, but even small achievable milestones could be celebrated with something as small as attending a yoga class or ordering a favorite takeout at home. 

    8. Surround Yourself with Support 

    We all know how it feels to be surrounded by people who know how to go that extra mile and are there to lend a supportive shoulder when needed. Being surrounded by people who contribute to personal motivation can help to reduce any feelings of doubt or insecurity. Having external guidance and a sense of community to lean on can be highly beneficial while facing difficult challenges or intimidating experiences. 

    9. Believe in Yourself 

    Although easier said than done, learning to have faith and trust in yourself is one of the most important aspects of staying motivated. No matter how hard it gets, enduring through with your hard work and ultimate belief that when the hard times hit, you’ll come out the other side and succeed.  

    10. Avoid the Sirens 

    It may be tempting to take the “easy” way out – but the short-term gain does not equate to the long-term value. Setting boundaries for oneself and avoiding any potential temptations (ceding to the thinking behind ‘this won’t hurt me just this one time’) can provide an immense level of self-respect and achievement upon defeating these temptations. 

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